Aaron Lawson
Aaron Lawson's Comments
- Newly Released Feature Feedback
- Request for feedback on Image updates
@Fernando Coelho . I totally agree. Especially now that we are inviting AI text into our Tana environment, I need something to distinguish my writing from AI imports. So in the meantime I am using a CSS hack that turns italics to red text to indicate my own writing. This represents a whole separate layer of metadata about the information being written, and being able to search it would be extremely valuable!
Good Morning Fernando!
This just came up yesterday and Stian has an answer...at least a temporary solution.
Create a search in query builder, with just one of the following terms, and it will bring back a list of those nodes with modified text:
I'm still waiting for help on how to create a search for highlighted text within a specific supertag though, and I'll be posting any updates to my new Tana Component Library workspace. If you're interested in joining the workspace to keep up with new updates, send me your Tana email address and I'll add you.
@Ash Just to clarify, you are suggesting plain text format without nodes visible, so that you can write in Markdown style or Markdown appearance, correct? (If so, this has my vote as well!)
- Ideas
- Video Embed at Banner
We need a utility to store and load a library of randomized 'banner images of the day'.
I'm currently doing this with a manual method and it greatly enhances the user experience of making the Daily Page in Tana part of a user habit and routine.
We need support for 16:9 banner image creation or cropping
Image embeds need to be optional or removable, so that we can view them as a list; this would match the current function of video embeds.