Luis Alves
Luis Alves's Comments
- Newly Released Feature Feedback
- Request for feedback on Progress Bar
- Newly Released Feature Feedback
- Request for feedback on Related Content!
Been able to hide related content (specially the one on the right) would be wonderful. Sometimes I'm taking notes on a narrow window and I don't need related content to be preset. The only way is "move to bottom" but it's complex (require a lot of clicks if you have some related-content elements) and I want to have it back when I resize my window.
An "easy" idea would be to have a button tu hide all related content until you click again to make them appear back on place
- Ipad app
In reply toWilliam van Zweeden-de Visser
William van Zweeden-de Visser
Nov 28, 2023 There is no dedicated Mac app as far as I am aware. All you can do is install Tana as a PWA. You can also do that on iPad. It's just the iPadOS Safari Browser and the underlying webkit that make it di...Definitely we need better support for iPad. OK you can install Tana as a PWA, but this does not solve the problems while working on Tana (Command menu disappears, can paste properly…). BTW, there is a dedicated Mac app. I know that WebKit could be difficult but complex web apps like google sheet run perfectly on iPad.
It would be great if they could work on side views