Mikula Beutl
Sep 3, 2024
Last seen
Jan 26, 2025
Mikula Beutl's Comments
In reply to
Vianney Stroebel
Vianney Stroebel
Sep 4, 2024 There's a thread on Slack about a use case that really requires this feature (because there's not better possible UI in my experience, apart from a dedicated app): https://tanacommunity.slack.com/arch...Thanks a lot! The 2 dynalist urls portray the issue perfectly
In reply to
David Goggin
David Goggin
Dec 30, 2023 This one thing keeps me with Workflowy vs many of the more modern notetaking apps -- as it is the single greatest productivity boost for me. Sometimes it's the simple things that do the most to reduc...Exactly!!! OMG, people forget why Google got successful...
Just so people know, i just complained about exactly this in the Slack Group:
"I really dislike the tiny pop-up search box in Tana. In Workflowy, you get a large view of all the nodes when you search, which I find much more useful. I'm not sure if everyone knows what I mean, but I’ve included screenshots of both Tana and Workflowy for comparison. In Workflowy (white screen), you can see a large hierarchical list where the search term 'test' appears, making it much easier to see the context and position of the item you’re looking for."
Thanks for pointing me to this idea to upvote it :)
Workflowy (PERFECT!)
Tana (NOT GOOD!)
I think they don't know much about workflowy users :) i have exactly the same feelings, you really can't underestimate the power of the search from workflowy, being able to get through a search instantly exactly what you need is incredibly powerful, i already mentioned it in another comment, that's how google became famous with this here: