⚡️ Ideas
Jeroen Sangers Jeroen Sangers Mar 9, 2023

API key for the Quick Add node

Explain the problem as you see it

The API is great for getting data from other services into Tana, but new nodes will always added to a specific node. If we can generate an API key for the Quick Add node as well, we'll have an easy way to add new nodes to today's node as well.

Why is this a problem for you?

I live in the Today node, but since I capture new information under a fixed node I (called it Inbox), I will have to remember to check it frequently.

Suggest a solution

Have the possibility to generate an AAPI key for the Quick Add node.

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

This works insofar as that it let's me add things to the Quick Add node, but there is no way to send it through to today's node. ☹️

Basically I am looking for an easy way to add stuff to the Today node from outside… Any suggestions?