⚡️ Ideas
Kom Truise Kom Truise Sep 21, 2024

Change or disable add emojis by hitting colon `:`

Explain the problem as you see it

When I write with Tana, every time I use the basic punctuation "colon" / :, the "emojis panel selection" appears. Then by reflex if I want to go to the next node, pressing enter add an emoji !

It happens when we have a "space" before the "colon". That means for English writing, there is no issue because in modern English-language printing, no space is placed before a colon and a single space is placed after it. By having the "colon" right after the last letter of a word, the "emojis panel" doesn’t appear.

But as many other languages than English, the rules of punctuation request a space before the punctuation "colon" (same for ? or ! ).

Why is this a problem for you?

It is bothering me to constantly have a useless panel of emojis opening. If I am writing an outline or a bullet-point list. I have several times per minute this emoji pop-up windows and very often, it inserts an emojy, but I just wanting to go to the next line/node.

Colon is one of the most common punctuation marks in writing. By using a PKM and note-taking app, I expect to be able to focus on my writing. Even if it isn’t English writing.

Suggest a solution

Disable the emojis quick access with colon.