Comment #⁨2⁩

Good idea, noted for team, but unlikely to redesign this in short term. Definitely not ideal for non english grammar, or edge cases such as the parenthesis you mention above.

A current workaround is that you can press escape to cancel the Emoji menu. This removes the menu quickly without slowing down typing:

CleanShot 2024-11-25 at 11.16.58.gif

  1. In reply to M Matt M

    Sorry to insist but I used over two hundred software and I never had such a big issue when just writing (with the rules of my language). And by the way in ten of thousand pages written, I never used one single emoji (I really dislike them).

    This is particularly irritation as for an outliner, I write lots of lists. When working dayli with Tana, I had about 30 to 50 emojis inserted involuntarily.

    I noted your advice, but using it makes a new writing habit that I kept with other software than Tana, and provoking other issues!

    I quick fix could be another shortcut, as "::" for instance.
    Other quick fix, allow personalization of the emoji panel shortcut.