Newly Released Feature Feedback
M Matt M Staff Oct 24, 2023

Request for feedback on Tana Publish: Pages!

We have released our new feature Tana Publish: Pages

We are looking for feedback and first impressions. Please add any feedback on in the thread below.

This feedback will be considered by the product team for our first round of updates in the coming weeks.

Please note, this is not a place for submitting bugs. If you are encountering a bug, please file a report in app via 'submit a bug' in the bottom left settings menu in your Tana workspace.

⁨46⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

In reply to Glenn Burns Glenn Burns

Hi Glenn, Brage here 👋

Should have made it clearer: I pulled a selection from the dinner guest search using shift+tab, then deleted the search. The idea was that these were the actual guests for the party. I could also have published the Live search itself, which would have been the much longer list. Should have made it clearer!

This is amazing! Would love to see an option for "auto publishing." I.E. if I add an item to a list, I want to to publish without remembering to click "publish changes".

Use case - I have a list of upcoming shows I'm performing at. If I add one, I just want it to show up without the extra step of remembering all the place it's populated and publishing the changes.

Love this feature - what would make it really special is to add viewing permissions for each node we decide to publish. Use case: I am in the design phase of a product and I am building and would love to share the documents and resources with my early stage design partners via Tana Published Pages. However, since anyone could access these links, I can't put more private information and links into these pages.

This is an awesome feature and I am excited to see how it progresses! In terms of improvements, I would say:

  • Allow me to turn individual nodes into heads to give better spacing between sections (rather than just paragraphs and quotes). I tried having a node with a table indented to add a heading, but the options there did not look good
  • Allow for the width to be determined on a block level, rather than based on content. My tables look completely different and different widths, so they don't present well one after the other. Could just have the same full vs medium.
  • Not sure why checkboxes show in tables with a little description of "True. Yes. Checked. OK. Binary 1". Maybe you are still deciding how to show it? But it feels pretty cumbersome in a table.
  • Tabs with tables underneath just can't format in a nice way unless I turn the columns into quotes
  • I would also say that the paragraph and heading being the same colours when in a table really shows no differentiation between the 2.

You guys did an amazing job! I truly am excited to be able to share more with the people around me, just thought I would let you know some of the little nitpicks I have found! Attached some screenshots to hopefully show some of what I have pointed out.

checkbox in table.png
heading vs paragraph.png
quote formatting in table.png

As this comment of mine on Slack proved to be quite a popular suggestion I'll repeat it here:

Next step: make checkboxes clickable in the published page (and communicated back to the source notes), and I can publish any TODO list and open it in the browser on my phone!

It'd be awesome to have a feature that lets you lock down a published page, so only folks you've given the green light to can access it. I mean, sure, a one-of-a-kind URL does make it a bit tricky for someone to just randomly land on your page. But, having that extra layer of security? It'd save us all from the constant "Did I overshare?" paranoia, especially when the content's meant for a select few. For instance, I'd love to use it for sharing project updates with my team. But think for other cases: it'd be perfect for exclusive peeks at business strategies, special educational resources, or even the lowdown on private events.

This is an awesome feature, thanks!

I have 3 main comments off the top of my head:

  1. Code blocks look pretty bad 😅 they are too wide and don't quite fit well with the aesthetics. See here👇 CleanShot Oct 24 from announcements.jpg
  2. LaTeX is a must for me. I do lots of work with equations and algorithm development. So much that this would probably be the main use case of Tana Pages for me.
  3. Adding RSS to Tana Pages would make it super easy to publish blog posts to an audience from within Tana. No need to use Substack or any other platform. Read, write & publish all from Tana.
In reply to Eneko Uruñuela Eneko Uruñuela

Additional use case for RSS would be to notify team members of project updates when published, instead of having to send out the notifications manually each time.

In reply to Eneko Uruñuela Eneko Uruñuela

Note that code blocks with shorter (<80-100 chars) max length line look fine -- the code block issue is specifically due to long lines not wrapping or having horizontal scroll. It would be great if published code blocks could also have a "copy" button.