Mattias Petter Johansson
Jun 28, 2023
Last seen
Jul 2, 2023
Mattias Petter Johansson's Comments
- Ideas
- Option to hide fields
YES, this would be so incredibly useful to me, I am denormalizing a lot just to get around this at the moment and its making my views very noisy.
My newfound love for Tana really took a turn when I tried to work on a train today. If a tool is to be your main one, you need some kind of work mode that isn't JUST capture. It wouldn't have to be an entirely offline mode, just something so that I can work well during flights etc. Maybe a special "airplane" workspace with limited functionality that you can work in, and then pull things in manually when you are online again.
I agree that is an annoyance in general, however, there is narrower sub-case of @Imre Vogelezang 's idea which particularly irks me, and that sub-case might have a simpler solution because it pertains specifically to semantic parent-of fields and drill-downs in parent-child tree. Let me try to explain...
Depending on the current view context, I would like Tana to hide parent reference fields that have a semantic function and is referencing a parent in the viewing tre, because that is just uncessary visual clutter (in that view context)..
An illustration:
I REALLY would like something like would solve a LOT of these ugly awfulesses that often throws off my flow because of the duplicated reference in the above screenshot.
I still WOULD like to see the parent field when it's not part of me drilling down a tree, for example, when viewing the node from the example above in isolation like this, it's really nice to have the field as a navigation path to the parent:
For me, this is a bit related to this comment by Delgado on the Slack community:
I strongly agree with Davids quote - the related parentship is just a nicer model - but an accidental drawback from it right now (that makes me yearn for the outline model) is the extra clutter it adds to the visual space when you do drilldowns exemplified above.
Perhaps add an extra "When viewed as a child of parent" option here: