Ability to see supertag home page using Tana's navigation views when returning supertags from a search node
Explain the problem as you see it
I have a node query that return supertags that inherit from a particular supertag. The purpose is to quickly pivot into each of those supertag's view that I've designed. However, when you do this, Tana doesn't behave as you expect. It instead turns each of the supertags into a new, empty node instantiated with those supertags.
Why is this a problem for you?
I've spent time designing the supertag pages with appropriate columns but it can't be visualized through a navigational view like sidebar or tabs. When you do it, the supertags essentially turn into an empty node.
Suggest a solution
When navigating to the supertag nodes via Tana's navigation views like sidebar and tabs, show the Supertag's home page.