Vianney Stroebel
Vianney Stroebel's Comments
There's a thread on Slack about a use case that really requires this feature (because there's not better possible UI in my experience, apart from a dedicated app): https://tanacommunity.slack.com/archives/C05FYGEBX1R/p1725353719140299
It's quite an important use case IMO: making decisions based on criteria and alternatives. I'm referring to the standard way of combining a list of criteria with a list of alternatives, where each alternative is evaluated (with a comment and possibly a rating) along each criteria.
Here is a demo example with Dynalist to illustrate this use case: https://dynalist.io/d/_64lo9ZhKfqfpubI8_xiEkFp
You can click on any tag to filter the tree by project. For example:
Also, developers on all platforms know that it's a standard feature in most existing treeview widgets to be able to filter nodes, and only display those that match a given criteria (e.g. "contains term/tag") .
Personally, as a long-time productivity geek, I wouldn't call "outliner" an app that cannot do this. So Tana, in all its greatness, is not an outliner yet :-)