⚡️ Ideas
Kent Langley Kent Langley Mar 21, 2023

Unpublish a Published Workspace

Explain the problem as you see it

I believe it’s essential to be able to unpublish a workspace.

It should just be a toggle off/on.

When you do it, the original link will be gone forever. This is fine and even desirable. A user might just manage a DNS entry to have a stable URL while the underlying can change over time.

This would allow, for example:

  • workspace versioning
  • sharing without be worried about it being forever
  • oh NOES I SHARED SOMETHING I SHOULDN'T path to resolution

My explorations of "Share as Template" and its quirkiness is what led to this idea/suggestion.

Why is this a problem for you?

See above description.

Suggest a solution

See above description.