⚡️ Ideas
Maxime Delavergne Maxime Delavergne Mar 21, 2023

Copy & paste nodes as a simple list (titles only) in Excel, Google Sheet, Word, etc

Explain the problem as you see it

If I want to copy and paste a list of nodes in Google Sheet for example, I have to select, copy and paste each node title one after the other. Otherwise, bulk copy and paste will paste all data for each node, making it totally unusable.

Why is this a problem for you?

Copying and pasting node titles one by one is a huge waste of time.
As mentioned in other ideas, we need solutions to share the content we create in Tana. While advanced export options will be great, I believe supporting basics like copy and pasting to another apps would unlock lots of workflows already.

Suggest a solution

Implement a default copy-paste behaviour with CMD/CTRL+C that is compatible with other apps and that only captures node titles. More advanced pasting could go through a more advanced export option.

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