Explain the problem as you see it
I frequently use both an iPad and an Android based e-ink tablet to write stuff by hand. I prefer to have this at hand in meetings especially if I'm doing 1-on-1 meetings where I feel that having the laptop is an obstacle to the free flow of ideas and conversation.
Why is this a problem for you?
Currently I have to use the handwriting conversion utilities native to the tablets and then copy the text into the Tana mobile app, and then continue on Tana desktop to make sure it's properly categorized, tagged and processed.
This is not too much of a hassle, especially since the native utilities have gotten real good, but a more straightforward solution could be nice.
Suggest a solution
Add another option to the Tana Capture screen allowing handwritten input in much the same way the voice input is done.
Tana would then process the note and apply the same sort of processing it does for audio.