⚡️ Ideas
Anson Koch Anson Koch Mar 9, 2023

Let Tana store all information locally without syncing to cloud

Explain the problem as you see it

Tana does not have an option to store information (notes, etc.) locally-only.

Why is this a problem for you?

My workplace will not allow certain information to be stored externally from our network, even with all the best encryption and security protocols.

Suggest a solution

Have an option for a Tana knowledge base to store its information local-only, much like how Logseq does it. This way, all my information can remain on my hard drive. Definitely include warnings in some way so that users know their information is not being backed up to the cloud.

⁨8⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

this is absolutely essential. i would love to use tana, but as long as i am not in 100% control of my data there is no way i will switch from obsidian. if tana is planing to use data analysys as their business model then i'm 100% out.