Newly Released Feature Feedback
M Matt M Staff Nov 21, 2024

Request for feedback on v1 of Tana Mobile

We have released v1 of Tana Mobile.

We are looking for feedback and first impressions. Please add any feedback on in the thread below.

This is our v1, and we are progressing quickly with updates. We have a known list of features not yet implemented:

Know issues and features not yet implemented

Please note, this is not a place for submitting bugs. If you are encountering a bug, please file a report in app via 'submit a bug' in the bottom left settings menu in your Tana workspace.

⁨9⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Slit view + Slide Over on iPad
I want to be able to capture notes related to a content (video, article) while I am reading / watching that content. For this to work efficiently, I need to be able to display Tana next to another app (for e.g. Safari, Readwise, Youtube...).
Right now, Tana can only be opened in full screen, as with Tana Capture.
Above all the limitations of the v1, this is really the only one which entirely blocks my usage of Tana on iPad.
I hope the UI framework you used can support that easily enough 🤞🏻
Thanks in advance

Shortcut and control center support

I know it may seem lower priority, but I think these features deserve to be implemented soonish. iOS Shortcuts and Control Center are the easiest way for users to speed up and automate capture, which I would say supports the whole mind like water thing. A simple use case: iOS shortcut actions for each mode of capture in Tana (i.e. for voice, writing, camera, etc.). When paired with the action button on an iphone 15 and above, it's a beautiful thing.

first of all thank you guys, I cant even imagine how you implemented all this work, huge kudos to you!!! I already like using it thanks and happy you released it in this stage

  • the sound of a capture being sent is too loud and noisy. I would rather prefer a more apparent visual signal of transfer (I would gain inspiration from the visual language and animations of Arc). and at least option to disable the sound

  • I had a strange bug where I would simultaneously click on “back” icon from the capture menu (wanted to delete my draft) and trying to change a tab (from Capture to Browse ) or some another action, and app stopped responding. though it showed some spinner

  • would want somehow capture few nodes on the same level. I wanted to continue my list of things to do tomorrow, and the second thing I added got nested into first. I know why you did it, and maybe a new editing interface coming up will remove this issue


I've made some filters for todo's kind of like how perspectives work on OmniFocus. On mobile some of them don't load which is a bummer. The load screen keeps loading. I also hope that editing is coming because in my workday I have to reschedule tasks a lot. I really want Tana to be my all in one tool, but it's kind of hard without editing and this loading issue.