⚡️ Ideas
Zee M Kane Zee M Kane Mar 9, 2023

Enable manual reordering of nodes in search results

Explain the problem as you see it

Enable manual reordering of nodes in search results... Also, when the search results are grouped (e.g. by status), enable dragging between groups to change the properties of the node being dragged.

Why is this a problem for you?

Being able to manually organize tasks is often a lot more effective than trying to find the right priority or other sort order.

Suggest a solution

Allow manual, drag & drop, reordering.

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Struggling with the same thing.

These live searches in card view are not helpful at all, essentially a read-only view.

You can't change the category they are grouped by or prioritize the tasks in any way. This severely limits the power of live search nodes.

This is such a fundamental need in Tana. It's the single biggest friction I have when using Tana. Live searches need to be intuitive on every level and reordering is one of the most basic things that pretty much everyone uses. Automated sorting options are not specific enough to cover all use cases. Live searches need to have a custom sorting option that is saved for future searches. I wish I could upvote this more and I hope the devs don't lose this in all the higher voted voted features. It was one of the first issues I every ran into when using Tana and I'm sure that's true for a lot of people.

+1. Reordering could be done inside the "sort by" parameter, and if reordered outside of the specific "group", Tana could show a popup that X field is going to be changed to Y value to match closest siblings of moved node.