Comment #⁨1⁩

This feature works fairly well but not having meetings populate at least 4 weeks into the future is a small miss. I suggest adding an option in the calendar sync settings to "populate x weeks into the future". My workflow is to add my prep into future meetings using my meeting tag. Things like agenda, prep notes, are fields on my #meeting tag. As I work my day for example I might recall a topic that I need to review at a 1:1 which isn't for 2 weeks, I can add it to a future #meeting so I have it ready when I enter that meeting.

Also I did test browsing to that day in Tana which I thought I read that it would then sync that day's meetings. That didn't work for me.

Lastly there should be a force sync calendar for the case where someone adds a meeting, last minute to my calendar and I need to tag that meeting, and collect notes. I could see that happening all too often.

Thanks, excited for Core and what is coming to Tana!