Newly Released Feature Feedback
M Matt M Staff May 29, 2024

Request for feedback on Google Calendar Integration

We have released our Google Calendar Integration

We are looking for feedback and first impressions. Please add any feedback on in the thread below.

This feedback will be considered by the product team for our first round of updates in the coming weeks.

Please note, this is not a place for submitting bugs. If you are encountering a bug, please file a report in app via 'submit a bug' in the bottom left settings menu in your Tana workspace.

⁨8⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

This feature works fairly well but not having meetings populate at least 4 weeks into the future is a small miss. I suggest adding an option in the calendar sync settings to "populate x weeks into the future". My workflow is to add my prep into future meetings using my meeting tag. Things like agenda, prep notes, are fields on my #meeting tag. As I work my day for example I might recall a topic that I need to review at a 1:1 which isn't for 2 weeks, I can add it to a future #meeting so I have it ready when I enter that meeting.

Also I did test browsing to that day in Tana which I thought I read that it would then sync that day's meetings. That didn't work for me.

Lastly there should be a force sync calendar for the case where someone adds a meeting, last minute to my calendar and I need to tag that meeting, and collect notes. I could see that happening all too often.

Thanks, excited for Core and what is coming to Tana!

Have already seen several requests for two-way calendar syncing. If you do add this, consider making the 2-way sync optional. As someone who occasionally time-blocks in Tana, I don't want my google calendar (shared with others) littered with time-blocking changes. Keep up the great work!

We all want to have separate work and life calendars, and yes, I have separate life workspace and work workspace on tana.

I would like to be able to specify separate life and work calendar items on the google calendar sync as well, so that I only need to see the life tasks in the life workspace separately.

I am used to taking meeting notes in my daily notes node to keep a comprehensive view of the day. Now that I started using the calendar integration, is there a way to show those event-related notes on my daily node?

In reply to Andrew Nanton Andrew Nanton


As consultants, we come and go through organisations.
We often have short-term access to calendars, and potentially several at a time - so synching with non-google (i.e. MS365) calendaring is important and if Tana can help build that bridge - it would be a real win.

Great Product - Well done Team Tana.

In reply to Batapha Batapha

+1 on this. Keeping my projects, tasks, and calendar for different areas of work (life, personal projects, work) is critical.