Comment #⁨3⁩

I love the new features in Tana Core so far, the first of which I started using extensively is the calendar integration and meeting agent. I do a lot of meetings and interviews in my work so I love the idea of integrating transcripts, meeting notes etc. But the current implementation does not work for me for a number of reasons:

  1. Agent joining the meeting can be an issue as per Daniel Enning comment above
  2. While it is very helpful to identify speakers, the transcript broken up like a chat and over several pages is very difficult to use
  3. Sometimes I need to check the original audio. and Superwhisper (both of which I have been using so far) keep the audio and link the transcript block to the relevant audio section, which makes it really simple to navigate
  4. Adding keywords and automatically tag them can be very useful but probably requires some configuration/more accurate prompting to avoid generating lots of unnecessary entries

Many thanks for an excellent product