⚡️ Ideas
Marvin Baumann Marvin Baumann Dec 11, 2023

Quick Add from anywhere on macOS

Explain the problem as you see it

On macOS I am used to the cmd+space shortcut for spotlight (or I'm using Alfred), which helps me get information, data or jump somewhere, from where ever I am currently.

Tana's quick add feature is great, but only accessible inside tana.

Why is this a problem for you?

A global quick add would be great to further reduce context switching.

Suggest a solution

Some global shortcut that brings up a single line, similar to spotlight on mac, where I can add a single node (to my today node let's say), like:

  • call Alex later #todo[supertag fields: #person:Alex]

This could be done using the mac app, such that the workspace context is immediately available as long as tana app is open somewhere.

⁨4⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Yes current functionality of adding a voice recording to Tana with cmd-shif-e from anywhere is useful. More work required to release a text version of the same feature but team have ideas for how to progress. Not in current chapter, or planned yet for release.