Explain the problem as you see it
On macOS I am used to the cmd+space shortcut for spotlight (or I'm using Alfred), which helps me get information, data or jump somewhere, from where ever I am currently.
Tana's quick add feature is great, but only accessible inside tana.
Why is this a problem for you?
A global quick add would be great to further reduce context switching.
Suggest a solution
Some global shortcut that brings up a single line, similar to spotlight on mac, where I can add a single node (to my today node let's say), like:
- call Alex later #todo[supertag fields: #person:Alex]
This could be done using the mac app, such that the workspace context is immediately available as long as tana app is open somewhere.
Couldn't you use an Alfread workflow here? (I use Raycast script commands for this)
Yes! This feature is really missing... makes no sense that you can add a voice note from anywhere but a text note just on the screen where Tana app is open. Very strange and confusing UX.
You can always find some hacks for every missing feature but then you end up with 100s of mostly useless apps and extensions and these start conflicting with one another in terms of shortcuts etc. That's just terrible UX.
Yes current functionality of adding a voice recording to Tana with cmd-shif-e from anywhere is useful. More work required to release a text version of the same feature but team have ideas for how to progress. Not in current chapter, or planned yet for release.