⚡️ Ideas
Guilherme Costa Guilherme Costa Dec 9, 2023

Contextual commands

Explain the problem as you see it

Currently commands are hard-attached to nodes according to their current state/field values. There is no way to display a command button just in some views.

Why is this a problem for you?

There are views I build to process specific tasks (like chosing prospects I want to approach this week - and creating a task to do that), but each command I add to facilitate a task like this will hang onto the node wherever I see it - even out of the "weekly planning context".

Suggest a solution

It would be awesome if we could have a "node filter" for commands with rules about where the node is being referenced in that specific view, or what is the current zoomed-in node, etc (context-related criteria)

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

Given that the existing Node Filters for commands are based on what is available in queries (live search) in general, it would seem that your idea would be better framed as an idea for extending live queries.