⚡️ Ideas
Guilherme Costa Guilherme Costa Aug 15, 2023

Shortcut to toggle "allow content" from another workspace

Explain the problem as you see it

A large alternate workspace can make mentions take longer, so I usually keep workspace separate ("allow content" toggled off).

But sometimes I actively want to mention content from the other workspace.

Why is this a problem for you?

When I want to mention content from another workspace with the toggle "allow content" turned off, I have to break my flow, leave the page to find the unique spot where this toggle is located, activate it and come back. Then head there again to turn it off (so it doesn't slow down all my other frequent mentioning activities).

Suggest a solution

Hard way: make the mentions very fast no matter how many nodes you have in your graph

Workaround: create a command that we can activate with a custom shorcut to toggle "allow content" on/off easily