⚡️ Ideas
Rudolf Nanne Rudolf Nanne Jul 30, 2023

Incorporate these 4 concepts from the Twos app (bullet journal related)🙏

Explain the problem as you see it

Today, I stumbled upon the Twos app, which is gaining popularity and was recently released on ProductHunt. I use my PKM to imitate the (paper) bullet journal method (very useful for ADHD, that's why the author created the system) and Twos does an outstanding job with that (here too, ADHD is the reason why the makers created the app). While it may not make me switch, I would wish to see the Tana team adding these 4 helpful concepts or features (listed below) that I feel are currently missing in Tana.

Why is this a problem for you?

In the ongoing search for the ideal all-in-one workspace tool, I think Tana could be the ultimate solution. However, in order to truly become that ultimate tool, most users would also like to see their favorite features from other tools integrated into Tana. This would bring our search to a definitive end. 🕊

Suggest a solution

  1. In Tana we have the node icon in different status appearances, and next to the node icon it is currently possible to insert a task box, checked or unchecked. It would be a nice addition if the possibilities could be expanded following the examples of Twos (might also solve Numbered lists and Long-form writing in Tana):

Screenshot 2023-07-29 15.34.02.png

  1. I really like in Twos how you can link your e.g. Gmail calendar(s) and have your meetings appear at the top of your daily page. From there each meeting can be opened as a 'list' which in Tana would be a node. Perfect! Would also solve Google calendar integration):

Screenshot 2023-07-30 09.24.19.png

  1. In Tana I currently it's not possible to inserts emojis with the standard Search+Shift+Space (on Chrome OS). Would also solve Create an easier way to search for emojis.


  1. Last but not least, in Twos app you have a focus mode that functions as an (adjustable) pomodoro technique timer. Would be nice to have in Tana too.
