⚡️ Ideas
Ethan Hamilton Ethan Hamilton Apr 29, 2023

Numbered lists

Explain the problem as you see it

The option to have numbered lists in Tana that automatically renumber when the order of nodes is changed would be tremendously useful.

Why is this a problem for you?

I frequently number my lists since I am making plans and steps. I reorder the steps a lot but I would like to still be able to have the numbers automatically correct when I change the order of nodes.

Suggest a solution

Maybe all subnodes of a node could be toggled as a numbered list.

⁨7⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

I lead several meetings a week over Zoom where I share my screen while taking notes in Tana. Having numbered items provides a way for meeting participants to easily identify topics and notes. (e.g., "You misspelled xyz in number 4.")

While wanting numbered nodes, I would not like to lose the current bullet representations with the colors and solid/dashed outlines. So, I'm not sure if an implementation could support both and if so whether it would be too cluttered.

Example: I have a goal to complete recordings of 48 songs in the coming year. I am creating a list numbering them. Sometimes the order changes. Right now, it is tedious to re-number manually.