Explain the problem as you see it
There are very limited ways of extracting content relations based on simple outline position – most of existing features are based on fields' values.
Why is this a problem for you?
I have a tree like this:
– Note A
–– Note B
– Note C
–– [[Note B]] (a reference)
I would like to have a search for all Note B parents, so that it will have results:
– Note A
– Note C
Currently, to have information of node's hierarchy, I always need to have fields on every node and when the node is a reference, I need to fill them in manually (like creating #synthesis note based on several nodes moved from other locations).
Suggest a solution
Add two search operators:
In the previous example it would look like [>PARENT_OF: Note B], result: Note A.
In the previous example it would look like [>PARENT_OF_WITH_REFS: Note B], result: Note A, Note C.