⚡️ Ideas
Maciej Smoła Maciej Smoła Mar 3, 2023

Flexible inline reference aliases

Explain the problem you see

There is no way to use inline referencing due to limitations of aliases.

Why is this a problem?

  • Longer nodes can be shortened only to few symbols like "*"
  • Absence of different word conjugations where they are needed makes sentences look bad

Suggest a solution

  • Ability to link any selected plain text to any other node
  • Ability to edit an inline reference text while still maintaining its linking

⁨4⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

This feature is important for non English languages and people who use multiple languages. It's also important when you want to concentrate on concepts and collect all real life examples that belong to this concept (e.g. Car → Volvo, Toyota, Ford, Mercedes, VW, etc). My current workaround is to create an "alias" node as a child of the node I want to reference. In this node I list all the possible aliases and still maintain the connection to the node I want to reference. But this process is a little cumbersome. In Obsidian you can put alias text in the frontmatter of a note and when searching the app searches all the aliases in one go. The implementation of a Tana equivalent of this process would ideal.

I would love to have reuseable aliases. For example, if I used the word Apple, apples, der Apfel and 苹果 - I should be able to refer to that one node "apple" with any of these aliases.

When I was using roamresearch it was a fundamental feature to link any word to any node, when I exported my DB in Tana and saw my linked notes, I wondered how complicated it is to activate this functionality? I think they should prioritize it in production, I am sure that many roam enthusiasts will see "Tana" with different eyes.