⚡️ Ideas
Guilherme Costa Guilherme Costa May 10, 2023

Command to "send all" items in the view group to Daily node

Explain the problem as you see it

Daily, I have a routine when I sift through my tasks for the week, make sure I set the "When" field for all the ones I want to tackle today with the right value (eg Wednesday) and send them to my Daily node.

Why is this a problem for you?

Most of the time, I have several tasks in the view, and selecting them to operate a shortcut is not an easy task. As the screen starts to scroll, Tana loses the selection. It's not fluid.

Suggest a solution

Since I'm using a Cards view Grouped by When, I could make this field a instance of a tag #weekday and use a command for the tag "Remind me today". But the issue is there is no command that I would click on the Cards view that would run with all nodes in the view as context.