Explain the problem as you see it
Let's have a classic example:
- there is a #paraphrase node with children being several #quote nodes and few other #paraphrase nodes' references from other places,
- each #quote has >Source field with nodes tagged #source,
- each #source node has >Icon, >Full name and >Abbreviation fields.
It is possible to use "build title from fields" to append >Icon + >Abbreviation of #source nodes to the title of #quote node.
However, there is no way to pass that info further to the #paraphrase node to see at a glance which sources is the paraphrase based on. - It is possible to do it with single #quote, but gets broken with multiple nodes in the field.
Build title from fields formula for #~ (used as a paraphrase tag in my use case) used in examples below:
${name}${Bazuje na cytatach:.Źródła wykorzystane|?}${Bazuje na cytatach:.Numer rozdziału|?}${Numer strony|?}
Why is this a problem for you?
I would like to see information about sources of quotes (or literature notes in zettelkasten) used to create a paraphrase (or permament note in zettelkasten) without diving into node's descendants. Also, I would like to gather information from additional fields like Section number ("Numer rozdziału" in above example).
Sometimes, I would make a paraphrase as a basis to create another paraphrase, as a sibling of #quotes. Then, I would like to have that paraphrase sources information be also used to build title from fields of the parent.
So perfectly, I could have a setup of build title from fields looking like:
"Node name/text" 📕 bookABC-page10 📗 articleX-section79
Suggest a solution
Allow build title from fields function to gather infromation from fields of many children and other descendants.