⚡️ Ideas
ShandeN ShandeN May 7, 2023

Drag nodes between tabs to replicate list view functionality

Explain the problem as you see it

Unable to drag a node from one tab view into another.

CleanShot 2023-05-07 at 12.25.15@2x.png

Why is this a problem for you?

There is no way to easily move a node or a selection of nodes from one tab view into another. Essentially, while in tab view your nodes are locked into that view.

Suggest a solution

Pick up a node or selection of nodes and drag it to the tab you want to drop them. On releasing the trackpad the nodes get dropped into the new tab location. Ideally, any reference to the node or nodes will not show in the original location. It works in a similar way to how a node or selection of nodes can be dragged and nested beneath another node in list view.