⚡️ Ideas
Adam J. Richman Adam J. Richman Apr 30, 2023

Option to Disable Panels and Enable a Single-Panel Experience

Explain the problem as you see it

To use Tana everyday, I would want it always visible on the left 1/3 of the screen with all other windows taking up the right 2/3. This is how I've used Workflowy for years. In Tana, random things will open up a horizontal sidebar when I'm not expecting it. For example, CMD+K > Go to Today. Or the Supertag edit area. This makes for a horrible viewing experience at the width that I keep Tana. Further, even if I mouse my way over and choose to dock above/below, it doesn't remember my preference and opens the next thing to the right again.

2023-04-29 at 11.24.28 - Tana - Tana -  Own the Day  [Curïo]@2x.png

Why is this a problem for you?

It makes having more than one panel open at a time unusable and requires the mouse to interact and fix the problem.

Suggest a solution

Simply have an option to disable panels, or for vertical-only whereby all new panels are opened above or below the currently visible panel. And/or if a user clicks any panel to move it there, remember that setting globally going forward.

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Also would love this. Side panels make me feel lost and disoriented when browsing my notes. I am absolutely fine navigating like in a browser with back/forward and keep one full screen view of what I want to focus on.