⚡️ Ideas
Abraham Abraham Mar 2, 2023

Tana Web Clipper

Explain the problem you see

The problem I see is the friction when it comes to quickly grabbing something from the internet and having to go into Tana and type it in, fill in some fields which could have been easily auto filled via a web clipper system

Why is this a problem?

I believe this is a problem because it somehow slows someones workflow. Having to fill in the fields every time especially for redundant things becomes very overwhelming, very fast

Suggest a solution

My suggestion is: A Tana Web clipper that would allow people to quickly capture something from the internet, assign a supertag to it, have some of these fields auto fill based on the information already available on the specific webpage all this right within the web clipper before finally sending it to a Today node.

For example, If I open a webpage with an article that has the following

Author: John
Publish date: June 2018
Publisher: Pearsons

I would love to hit the web clipper and when I assign a supertag that also has fields (Author, Publish Date and Publisher) I would like to have all the information in the website auto fill within my fields. Even if someone doesn't have a supertag with similar matching fields as on the web page, the web clipper could simply paste the name of the article with a link field and then suggest the other fields based on what was available in the website

Same could apply for other webpages/websites such as IMDB, a tweet, a medium article, a youtube video with pre-filled channel name and title of video and so forth

Hope this makes sense, it might be a very long shot but this is just me putting my imagination into words, there might definitely be an easy way to implement this but I hope what I suggested made sense in some way

God speed 🚀

⁨17⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

This is a huge functionality that I need. I have been testing out so many new tools and most of them don't do a great job with web clipping. It's one reason I have been using Evernote. ;)

So much info is captured from the web nowadays. I am clipping many times a week.

I also second the suggestion of the ability to add a supertag and fill its metadata.

As described above, but I would also like to advocate for the ability to add just a picture of a page to Tana via the web clipper. It would be nice if a super tag is automatically added to it and the web clipper itself looks at the page to see what information can be added via fields. You can also fill a field with keywords yourself, so you are able to quickly find the picture in Tana.

In reply to Chris Kresser Chris Kresser

You have to unpack it first, hence why the button is called "load unpacked".. Unzip it, then click the button, then choose the folder with the files in it.

In reply to Brett Adam Brett Adam

Thank you for developing these two tools; they've been very helpful to me. However, I've encountered some errors during use, and sometimes the customization options add more fields than I need. For this reason, I've been using the Chrome extension TabCopy.
While it only captures webpage titles and links, it's simple and fast, and I hope it might offer a new perspective for others. You can see my article about it here: https://vocus.cc/article/67b42837fd89780001382c2d