⚡️ Ideas
Ev chapman Ev chapman Apr 20, 2023

Display or sort by Fields On Nodes Below Calendar

Explain the problem as you see it

I have a Tweet Studio where I have a bunch of tweets that I then want to go and schedule on a monthly calendar view. I can see the tweets not scheduled below the calendar - but I would like to see some of the fields i have set - Eg. Is it a tip tweet, engagement, workflow, etc.).

This matters to me because I want to balance out certain tweets on certain days.

It would be good to be able to turn on the node display feature on those nodes below the calendar.

CleanShot 2023-04-20 at 07.35.35.png
CleanShot 2023-04-20 at 07.35.59.png

Why is this a problem for you?

Right now I'm just dragging them onto the calendar to see the fields I want displayed and then moving them around - but it's not quite an elegant solution.

I really want to be able to just see the display | Filter | Sort on those nodes.

Suggest a solution

When you open the nodes that say s?? nodes with no dates also show the display settings for nodes like Display | Sort | Filter (probably can't use view because we are already in a view).