⚡️ Ideas
Olli Tiainen Olli Tiainen Apr 19, 2023

Taxonomy: A "network graph" of supertags, and how they connect via extensions and field instances

Explain the problem as you see it

I want to debug my taxonomy a bit, but it would help to have an overview available. With so many tags and field constellations connected via extensions and instances, keeping up with the structure isn't easy.

Why is this a problem for you?

Well, taxonomy is everything.

Suggest a solution

A network graph - a visual description of the connections. (note! I'm not recommending a network graph of nodes - just supertags and how they connect via extensions or field instances)

⁨13⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

I'd absolutely love this.

I desperately need to re-factor my Supertag structure that's just developed ad-hoc since I started using Tana. I'd like to redo it and make it fit the way I now know I need to organise my Tana Workspace.

:expressionless: Today, you can only see the "X → extends → Y" relationship, but not the "Y → extended by → X" relation.

:bulb: Having the ability to see "extended by" for each supertag would be really powerful.

🤔 As amazing as Tana is, most people will "work the system" quite a bit (or forever), so finding relationship is quite important to clean things up.

One major goal of a visual representation would be to enable refactoring. I think as your Tana graph grows and you realize you need to change supertags around or break things down or perhaps introduce new ways of structuring data, it's really hard to get a mental model of the super tag hierarchy and fields (especially when working across multiple workspaces). Then there needs to be an easy way to see what content is impacted by changes. Overall I feel like Tana becomes more brittle the more it grows.

In reply to Grant Gochnauer Grant Gochnauer

Yep, just seeing the supertags as a graph would already be super useful vs the regular requests of getting a graph of everything, which is hardly useful (as many existing apps have shown)

I, too, consider this essential.

Attempting to understand these relationships today is an extremely tedious manual process. My current attempt to make an automated visual solution is not yet functional. And it still has the manual step of finding all tags and fields locally, then copying and pasting a text file. I post-process the file with Wolfram Mathematica (probably a rare tool among Tana users).

This is also my greatest wish for Tana to implement. I don't know of any better tool for creating and iterating over models than Tana already, but adding the visualization part would take it to god tier. Not least when describing and sharing models with others. This kind of visualization (tag- and field relationships) would be so much more useful for me than a simple node graph that so many other tools have.

In reply to M Matt M

Hi @Matt M , would you mind elaborating how that view helps "debugging the taxonomy", which is one of the main requests? I like the viz itself, I just don't quite understand how it helps me understand the connection and relations between supertags I'm afraid

In reply to MJ B MJ B

Yes @MJ B this is one for future. Prominence of Supertag view within sidebar a sign of it's importance, but it doesn't yet do the things requested so it's classified as likely future exploration. Lots of great ideas in this submission to consider.

As this item seems to have traction, I'd like to bump my Matrix idea up here, as I think the concept could support this idea. It would allow for a sleek way to view supertags from different angles.

For example:

  • Supertags across, fields down, field configuration in cell
  • Extended Supertags across, Extending supertags down, field names in cell