⚡️ Ideas
Chris Rush Chris Rush Apr 7, 2023

Child nodes should remember their expand/collapse state upon return to parent

Explain the problem as you see it

Tana collapses all child nodes by default, but that's rarely how I want to see my child nodes.

When tasks are nested in area nodes, for example, it's necessary to expand the task node every time I go to the area. When links nodes are nested in project nodes, I often want to see those links every time I go to that project, rather than having to expand the links node every time.

Why is this a problem for you?

It's a lot of clicking to expand nodes constantly as I navigate my workspace. I will have my child nodes set up just the way I want them, but then if I navigate away and then back, I have to start expanding again.

Suggest a solution

Every node should be its own "mini-workspace" and remember the expanded/collapsed state of its child nodes. Just like Workflowy, for example.

⁨5⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

In reply to Musa Musa

What do you mean exactly? Nodes marked with a header?

Does it work for references as well? If the node is marked with a header and its a reference on another node's page, will it be expanded by default?

nevermind. Yes you are right, if you use headers it by default opens the reference which is great.

Would be better as a long term solution though if you can just have a global toggle to have all nodes expanded or collapsed per user preferences and save the state per page (currently in Tana if you expand certain nodes and then exit the app and load it after a while, it "forgets" the state of which nodes were expanded and which were collapsed).