⚡️ Ideas
Maciej Smoła Maciej Smoła Apr 1, 2023

Create a node via top-bar search

Explain the problem as you see it

There is a way to type a string, search for it and then create it via the same popup – but only if using "@" search. It is not possible to do this via search from the top bar.

Why is this a problem for you?

There is no way to create a node via search from top bar, which could be helpful especially if the results came up empty.

Suggest a solution

Option to create a node in Day Node or Library via search from top bar.

⁨1⁩ ⁨Comment⁩

I'd like this feature too. My typical flow with Obsidian, Logseq, or Notion is to search for a page that I want to work on and create it if it doesn't exist. In Obsidian, there is an option to press Shift-Return to create a new note or simply return if there are no matches.
