Comment #⁨18⁩

It would be great to know if Something like infinite canvas / visual graph / whiteboard functionality is on the cards.
I use Tana daily and love it, slowly building a system for everything I do, work-related and otherwise. But I find myself increasingly copying several nodes into Heptabase and rebuilding connections there as the whiteboard functionality is a key component of processing and connecting ideas. Then I bring what I generate back to Tana to connect it to the rest of my graph. I enclose an example of what I do with Heptabase to help me understand or develop ideas.

Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 11.54.37.png

Heptabase is not as powerful as Tana when it comes to customising your workspace and evolving the schema or using AI, but it is quickly adding very effective components to its excellent whiteboard function, such as journaling and supertags.

I know there are many other products trying similar things, but I believe that Tana and Heptabase have the advantage in their respective strengths. At the moment I am happily paying for both but that also means a lot of work to move my data back and forth. A single environment combining the two sets of functionalities would be amazing. I'd love to hear what the Tana team is thinking about this.