File Management
Explain the problem as you see it
I am unable to interact with files I upload to Tana. I am able to view PDFs in a tiny preview window, but they are too small to read. I have to download them if I really want to read them. The download process is clumsy as I have to drag out the window until the download option appears at the top. I am unable to mark them up. Office documents can be uploaded but I am unable to add/change/delete information in them. Selecting these files immediately downloads them. I need to be able to work with these documents in place.
Why is this a problem for you?
File management is essential to my knowledge management system. Tana is wonderful for capturing notes, but I need to not only be able to upload MS Office and PDF files, but also interact with them i.e. make changes. Without this ability, I'm only getting half of what I need from the system, and it makes my knowledge management workflow really inefficient.
Suggest a solution
Once the files are uploaded, launch the associated application when I click on the links. For example, if I click on a Word document, launch Word. If I click on a PDF, launch the default viewer for the PDF. Allow us to make changes to the documents in place.