⚡️ Ideas
Derek Dunn Derek Dunn Aug 2, 2023

File Management

Explain the problem as you see it

I am unable to interact with files I upload to Tana. I am able to view PDFs in a tiny preview window, but they are too small to read. I have to download them if I really want to read them. The download process is clumsy as I have to drag out the window until the download option appears at the top. I am unable to mark them up. Office documents can be uploaded but I am unable to add/change/delete information in them. Selecting these files immediately downloads them. I need to be able to work with these documents in place.

Why is this a problem for you?

File management is essential to my knowledge management system. Tana is wonderful for capturing notes, but I need to not only be able to upload MS Office and PDF files, but also interact with them i.e. make changes. Without this ability, I'm only getting half of what I need from the system, and it makes my knowledge management workflow really inefficient.

Suggest a solution

Once the files are uploaded, launch the associated application when I click on the links. For example, if I click on a Word document, launch Word. If I click on a PDF, launch the default viewer for the PDF. Allow us to make changes to the documents in place.

⁨3⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

In reply to Jeff Chant Jeff Chant

Personal OneDrive is blocked by my employer. Using the Enterprise OneDrive would mean I lose all those links if I were to move to new employment. Google Drive is also blocked.

One of Tana's core principles is to enable smooth workflows and eliminate manual computing (like having to constantly download and re-upload files), file management is one area important to that. But, we have no plans for it in current quarter