Display API Output As Notification
Explain the problem as you see it
When using the "Make API Request" command the options for API output are "as child," "as sibling," or "replace."
When making API requests that return transient information it is not desirable to store the output in the graph. Instead, an option to display the output as a notification message would be preferable.
Why is this a problem for you?
I have a Tana command that logs all of my completed tasks to Airtable. I also have an API that tells me how many tasks I have completed today. I'd like to call that API to see my daily stats as a notification, but I don't want to store it in the graph, because the response doesn't hold any long-term value.
Suggest a solution
Provide an output option for the Make API Request command that allows the output to be displayed as a notification rather than as output to the graph.