Explain the problem as you see it
I've built an API to integrate Tana and work with the database of our company, so I can use the Make API request to get information about our database or update something there.
To the correct flow of the tag, I added two command, one for get information from the database, one for upload information to the database.
When I get the information the first time, I get something from the database, cool, now I can update in Tana, and call the command and update in the database. But suppose I have different nodes with that information, it could be cool that when you press the get information button again, your fields update too. With the actual functionality is the Autofill command, I just can fill the fields that are not already filled, so, I used the command remove fields to delete the fields, receive the information, and now autofill with the received information. That is how it works. But imagine I have many different fields in my tag, and maybe I need to delete various fields and just preserve ones, it would be cool if I can, instead of mention which fields to remove, mention the fields to exclude and remove the others. Or have both fields, I can choose if use one or the other.
Why is this a problem for you?
Because I
Suggest a solution
Just adding another fields to the command Remove fields, in this field I can specify which Fields to exclude. I can choose if I prefer to exclude fields and remove everything else, or I prefer to remove just certain fields.