Jun 7, 2023
Last seen
May 1, 2024
Aura's Comments
- Build title improvements
i would really like to have durations without having them attached to specific dates and times... if i just wanted to have an estimate of how long a task might take, for example, or the length of a video or song or something. they could work very well with dates/ times, obviously, but i would also like to use them independently.
i really like the way that Dataview (a plugin for Obsidian.md) handles them.
I would like to add that some additional control about which parts are greyed out would be fantastic. I use this feature a lot, and really love how good it is at reducing the visual clutter. However, sometimes I need to manually include a certain part that I would normally have as the added stuff at the end, or the whole title is built from fields and none is greyed out. It leads to a bit of inconsistency in my nodes, and it bothered me enough that I felt the need to compromise and switch some of the latter cases to be partially manual.
Another note is that the format not being inherited from parent supertags is super annoying, and sometimes I have a node that has two slightly different supertags which both use this feature (again, slightly differently) and I want to include elements from both. But instead I have to decide which tag I want to put first so it will use that format, then put whatever the other one would be in the regular title. This part might be more difficult to solve, but I wanted to put it out there.