AI Related Nodes + GPT Copilot Panel
Explain the problem as you see it
Imagine opening up a side panel while you're writing within a node that analyzes the context of your node and resurfaces relevant nodes from your workspace, as your writing that may easily be dragged into the node you're actively working on.
Why is this a problem for you?
Creating search nodes is great when you know where to look but I often forget about nodes I've created and never look at them again. I believe a feature like this would spark inspiration for me and speed up creation workflows.
Suggest a solution
A real-time AI chatbot panel actively searching for and resurfacing relevant nodes within my workspace as I'm writing and adding new relevant context. Resurfaced nodes could easily be dragged into my active node as reference nodes.
Ideally, I can engage with an AI copilot within this panel as well and ask more specific questions about my stored knowledge graph.