Search for date nodes
Explain the problem as you see it
It is not possible to search for (or exclude from searches) any node which is a date, but is not a calendar node. For example if a date is entered in a "Due date" field a node is created with that date but this is not a calendar node. There is currently no search term to find all nodes of this kind.
Why is this a problem for you?
I want to create a search node that will capture all nodes that I have not yet tagged correctly as a kind of backstop to prevent content from being lost. To do this I must exclude all tags, calendar nodes, fields etc. from the search but for now the search returns mostly date nodes.
Others in the Slack community have also described wanting to search for all nodes which reference a date in the coming week/month but that is not itself one of these date nodes.
Suggest a solution
A search term such as IS_DATE_NODE with similar functionality to existing search terms like IS_TAG or IS_CALENDAR_NODE