Recall A Supertag in the Mobile App
Explain the problem as you see it
How wonderful would it be to log that #naturalobservation while in the woods? Or write that #morningpage while waiting for the train? While the new mobile capture app is fantastic, after a few days of consistent use, it became clear one missing feature is the ability to recall and fill-in a supertag. A user should be able to search for one of their supertags in a given schema, then, fill out the fields within. Once the user has assigned all of the values they wish, they click a button that says "finish", and that supertag is submitted to the user's current day page.
Why is this a problem for you?
Pre-formatted fields enable me to log abstract data consistently. The ability to do this work within the mobile app, on the go, would be an enormous aid to my work, and I imagine many other Tana users.
Suggest a solution
Within the mobile app, as one of the "capture methods", a user should be able to search one of the supertags in their schema, and then fill out their preformatted fields within that supertag. Once the user has assigned values to the fields within their tag, they can click a button that says "finish", and that supertag is submitted to the user's current day page.