Add description tooltips for hidden fields in supertags like command button description tooltips
Explain the problem as you see it
I add a lot of hidden fields to my today node so that I can keep the node feeling clear, but because there are so many hidden fields, I use emoji instead of full text to make it feel even less cluttered.
I have this in other instances where I use emoji in hidden fields, so I can opt in in those cases too.
However, because of the high number of hidden fields represented as emoji, I don't always remember which field is which, and I need to click it to find out.
Why is this a problem for you?
If I choose the wrong field to unhide, this slows down my workflow and clutters my view with unnecessary information. Not only do I have to still find the right one, I have to then reset the view to rehide the field(s) I didn't want to see.
Suggest a solution
Similar to the way you can mouse over command buttons for supertagged nodes and see a tooltip of the command description, implementing this for hidden fields as well would help me to immediately have more context for what field I'm about to unhide, saving me the pain of opening the wrong one(s) before I find the right one.