Need to be able to create search node that uses the "Field has semantic function: Part of" setting to find all the nodes that are in a hierarchy created in this field?
Explain the problem as you see it
I'm attempting to use only one instance field to show what a node is related to.
- Top level node called "Health".
- Node for project called "Track and reduce migraine triggers" with "Related to:" field set to "Health" node.
- Node for an update called "Ate McDonalds and now I have a migraine" with "Related to:" field set to "Track and reduce migraine triggers".
I want the update node 3. to show in a search on the "Health" node 1. Is this currently possible? I'd imagined that by setting the semantic function, node 3 would count as part of node 2, and so be able to show up in searches on node 1.
Why is this a problem for you?
I need a deeper way of seeing my data. I need to be able to see all nodes related to e.g. a Person, without having to tag that person in every node. Tagging them in the higher levels that are relevant, like projects, should then make it possible to bring in the more granular nodes like the updates and tasks, so I can see an overview of everything relevant when I look at that person's node.
Suggest a solution
Create search functions/terms that will enable you to bring in 'child' nodes through a semantic field relationship rather than just node structure relationships.