Time stamps for embedded videos
Explain the problem as you see it
At the moment i can embed a youtube video. but when i want to take notes on it all the notes are just nodes below. I need a clickable reference to what part of that video my note pertains to.
Why is this a problem for you?
It makes notes with videos very unidimensional and not as helpful. When i see the note come up i need to reference where in the video they mentioned it.
I can write a time currently but without it acting as a time stamp i have to scrub through the video to find that point. It's just very cumbersome.
Suggest a solution
It would be great if you could time-stamp the video with a shortcut and write your note alongside the time stamp.
You should then be allowed to click on the time stamp and the embedded video will play from that time stamp so you can quickly see what part of the video you note pertains to.
This is something already done in Logseq really well.
Their shortcut for time stamping the embedded video is cmd+shift+y
Thank you so much in advance for taking this into consideration. This feature to me would be imessly valuable as i often take notes on youtube videos to complement my other research and to note other peoples takes on the same items i'm researching.