⚡️ Ideas
Kayfun Kayfun Mar 9, 2023

'Group by field' in live seach: I summarize what is necessary to make it useful

Explain the problem as you see it

Now grouping Live searches is very very limited.
It is a very useful way to summarize information in the Live search, but it is limited and inconsistent in some cases.
There are many ways to enhance this important feature to make it really useful.

Why is this a problem for you?

  • When you add a new node, it is unselected by default. It makes the Live search unreliable and it is necessary to check the list to ensure that all options are selected.
  • The list is too long when you have many group fields with many empty groups and without the option to collapse all or individual results
  • In date groups, days is not always the best option. Having this as a subgroup of weeks and years is a much clear approach
  • In many cases is necessary to group by different concepts (like Areas / Proyects) when tasks or notes are part of a project or individual task (Area)
  • Scroll the group list is impossible, and you have to make zoom to 70%-50% in the browser to see full list

Suggest a solution

  • Options to select / unselect → All / None / Only show fields with results / manual
  • Collapse all or individual group results
  • Sort groups by any field grouped or manually (drag & drop)
  • Show (with number) the number of nodes inside
  • In date fields, group the results by year / week / date
  • Use of semantic funtion in Group by several fields by showing sub-groups into groups
  • Subgroup by diferent concepts (same as sort) grouping by 1st concept and subgrouping by 2nd and 3rd
  • Group tables
  • Scroll the group window to see the full content of fields when selecting the needed ones
  • New nodes selected by default
  • Show / don't show empty groups options

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