Explain the problem as you see it
There are so many errors in terms of "If a node has content and your caret is at the beginning of it and you hit Backspace, it will delete the node and merge this node's content with the node above it" how something is supposed to function and doesn't.
Keyboard shortcuts no longer work properly
...and I am bilingual myself but this has to be the one of the most poorly written paragraph in the English language "Initialization expressions are convenience functions, but are not live updating. So they won't change any prior field values from before you created the initialization functions, and you can change them after Tana fills a field if they need a manual touch." It seems a non-english-first-language speaking individual is drafting these documents. It literally makes my brain spin reading this stuff.
Why is this a problem for you?
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Ya'll just received $15m in VC funds. Please hire a professional content curator or assign someone on your team and keep your documentation up to date, accurate, and written in proper sentences for proper comprehension. Guys, some of us are paying $200 a year, please up your game and show you're serious.