⚡️ Ideas

Commands and syntax need refinement

Explain the problem as you see it

The current functionality does not allow for the implementation of more or less complex workflows.
Intuitive solutions that the interface suggests turn out to be unavailable.

This concerns managing field values: retrieving values, transforming them, and setting them. It also applies to syntax: retrieving values. Current solutions are aimed at implementing specific workflows and do not allow for anything else.

Why is this a problem for you?

For example, I can't simply change the value of one field to the value of another: >Field::${PARENT.Field}. For managing fields, there are "Set field values" and "Insert Tana Paste." However, neither performs this task directly. One sets references, while the other deletes the original node. It seems like an obvious operation, but there is no direct solution.

Setting the parent date using "Insert relative date" is obvious. I can't just take ${PARENT.Date} and use it as a value. Working with dates in Tana is a separate issue. Starting from the fact that there is no way to refer to the month on the week page, and continuing with the inability to add or use quarters/half-years/decades, not to mention that you can't perform an exclusive search by period, excluding its child periods.

I can't retrieve the ID of the parent or the owning node: ${PARENT.sys:nodeId}/${sys:owner.sys:nodeId}.

There is no option to clear a field using a command — this has become something unexpected. Yes, yes, you can't delete selected items using commands.

The issue is not about how to implement a specific workflow, but rather the absence of direct paths for their implementation. In one workflow, multiple rebuilds will be needed; in another, I will have to change the workflow itself to implement it in Tana.

Tana creates the illusion of freedom and creativity in workflow development, but in reality, it is constrained by predefined templates.

How can I set the parent date using a command?
I am trying to add the parent node's calendar date as a field value using the "Insert relative date" command, but the date does not get added
How can I find nodes related to the month of the selected week?
I am trying to set a reference to the owner node as a field value
I am trying to remove a reference to a node when it is added to the "Select" field using a command, but I cannot do it

Suggest a solution

A syntax that provides access to all explicitly accessible fields and is available for use in all commands